In today’s world, modern life is being governed by endless responsibilities. Words like office, projects, schedules, deadlines, etc are common. Due to this, we are rushing to meet our goals, ambitions, and plans. This is both good and bad, as we all aspire and aim for a better life, but in the process sometimes we lose the balance. Hence, we act as if we are a machine. Skipping breakfast, lunch at 5 pm, late-night dinner is a routine. Because of this, we end up in stress. This leads to mental fatigue, helplessness, emotional turmoil, relationship issues.

The resultant situation is common for both people at work and at home. If we look at the situation of home-makers or stay at home moms, they are also struggling with their own issues:

  • Should we start working again or look after the kids?
  • Am I raising my kids in the right manner?
  • Why is he or she so difficult to manage?

The list is endless for them also!


Holistic Well-Being

If we look at life in general – rather than being an active player, we all like to observe the game called life. Without even realizing, we start playing the cards of the victim. Some of the common statements are :

  • I am suffering because of my boss.
  • There is huge stress because my spouse does not listen to me.
  • I am suffering because the job is not up to my expectations.

Hence, in general, I am suffering because people, situations are not according to me.

Holistic – Wellbeing is a state of mind. A state where I am at ease. Not only with myself but with my environment. This includes both situations and persons. I am not a victim of the situation, hence I can take charge of my situation. I am responsible for my own physical, mental and spiritual well –being. First I need to see my own Strengths and Weakness. And start living with self-awareness. Because of this, I am a transformed person.

Why Aim for Holistic Well Being

A physically and mentally well-balanced person leads to a happy, peaceful and healthy contributor to society. Then only can one fulfill the different roles of a happy spouse, happy employer or employee. Such a person is not swayed by anger, jealousy, lust, greed, and frustration. But instead, someone who can understand the reality of situations and act with wisdom.

How to achieve Holistic Living

Self – awareness is the first step to Holistic – Living. Self-awareness as described in Geeta as Drishta Bhava. Drishti Bhava means to become aware of our own physical, mental and spiritual body.

  1. Am I a go – getter or a victim mentality?
  2. Am I a sports – person, artist or literary person?
  3. Do I easily get jealous and gets involved in an unwanted competition?
  4. Am I compassionate to others?
  5. Am I Judgmental to others?


Vriddhi Consulting – Professional Help for Holistic Living

Professional help acts as a mirror. As a result, it will help you to see your own contours and help you to enhance the beautiful aspect. It also gives you support to the areas which need help.

At Vriddhi Consulting, we apply Vedic Astrology and Vastu to help you access your holistic wellbeing. We also take the help of Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, and Pranayama. As a result, we aim to help you see – the real you. We can help you to see the possibilities stored for you. Various ways involve casting your birth chart, checking the Vastu of your home or office, etc. Through a combination of these different tools, you can achieve those possibilities for your- self and your family. Vriddhi Consulting offers consultation and remedial services at SS Mall, Sector 86, Gurugram. We also take seminar workshops. Knowledge is shared through Online and offline astrology courses. We offer Remedies, Vastu visits, including sessions on Indian spiritual sciences.

Vriddhi Consulting Session

Contact information for Vriddhi Consulting, Sec-86 Gurugram?

Pt. Ritu Malhotra.
Vedic Astrologer and Vastu Consultant.
Vriddhi Consulting.
SS Omnia, Sector 86, Gurugram.
Mobile: 999-903-1352

Vriddhi Consulting Session
Pt. Ritu Malhotra – during a session of Vriddhi Consulting


If you would like to feature your story here, then please send email to or call Mobile : 9818858454

Contributed byPt. Ritu Malhotra
I am the founder and director of Vriddhi Consulting.
My Area of expertise - Vedic Astrology and Vastu Consultancy.
My Area of philosophy - "All glory comes from daring to begin." ― Ruskin Bond.

For suggestions and contributions, please write to us at

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1 thought on “Access Holistic Living with Vriddhi Consulting”
  1. Shakti says:

    From time to time Ritu has provided guidance in living a holistic life… Whenever I have any confusions I know whom should I call for solution… Thank you Ritu and team Vriddhi Consulting…